The title structure of a website works like a table of contents. The title of each page is stored by Google and other search engines as representative of the content of that page. If the Bergzoo in Vienna (fictitious name for this example) has a page about the fox, the logical title of that page is "Fox - Bergzoo Vienna". The description explains the page in more detail: "Visiting the fox in the Bergzoo Vienna. Insights into the life of the fox in the mountains". No complex SEO is required at this point, although even with this simple setting many web developers make mistakes.

The real SEO only begins when you want to adapt the title of the page to the user's search behavior. More people search for "fox in the mountains" or "where does the fox live" than for "fox in the Vienna Mountain Zoo". For example, to intercept the search "where does the fox live", you can change the title of the page to "The fox lives everywhere" and the description to "The fox lives in the mountains and in the lowlands. Insights into the life of the fox."

It is important to emphasize that the fox page of the Bergzoo Wien will continue to be found easily when searching for "Fuchs Bergzoo Wien" as long as the word "Fuchs" is included in the title. Google recognizes the official website of the Bergzoo Wien and ensures that users who search for "Fuchs" and "Bergzoo Wien" get a relevant page of the zoo as the first result. The web address of the Bergzoo Wien is also displayed so that the result is clear. It is therefore not necessary to optimize the SEO title with "Fuchs Bergzoo Wien".

There are several free tools to find the most suitable titles and descriptions, including Google Trends, Google Search Console and Google Ads Keyword Planner. It is often possible to combine two relevant search trends in one title. Sometimes a topic needs to be split into several sub-pages to catch different search queries. In this case it is important to maintain a path structure, in the case of Bergzoo Wien e.g. "bergzoo/fox/", "bergzoo/fox/food" and "bergzoo/fox/life".

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